Thursday, November 1, 2012


Mary helped us carve pumpkins for the first time. We got a big daddy pumpkin for Brian and a regular mommy pumpkin for Laura and a tiny baby pumpkin for Mary. She loved her little pumpkin and all the pieces of newspaper. She got so messy when we were scooping out the guts. She even tried to eat them and it was hard to keep her away from them. We had a ward trunk or treat on Wednesday so Brian dressed up as a doctor, Laura was a zookeeper, and Mary was a giraffe. We decorated our car and showed off our great pumpkin carvings. It was such a fun night.


Mary loves the Underhill girls. They are great friends. We took Mary around the cars to collect candy and she was so interested in what was going on with the candy. We also let her eat a lollypop and she would not take that thing out of her mouth. She loved it!…until she dropped it on the ground. Us parents ate the rest of her candy except the pretzels which she thoroughly enjoyed.


Thursday morning Mary had a photo shoot in her costume. I think it turned out pretty well with just my little camera. I like these pictures because it looks like she is in a jungle or something. I set her on top of Brian’s pumpkin and surprisingly she just sat there and didn’t fall off. She enjoyed eating the top of her little pumpkin.


Mary: 7 Months

Mary is getting so fast at crawling. It is harder to run away from her when she chases me around the room. She has gotten braver pulling up on things and then reaching for something else. One time she found herself standing without holding onto anything and she got so scared! But she still goes for it. She enjoys playing with the box the blocks came in, my little ponies, books, and phones. She hates getting her diaper or clothes changed. We moved her crib into the guest room now and she does great falling asleep. When I put her down she cries for 10-20 minutes and then falls asleep. She takes about 3 naps a day for about an hour each and at night will go to bed about 6:30 or 7 and wake up around 6:30. She enjoys eating rice cereal, mush vegetables, and fruits. She doesn’t really like the mush baby meats. Crackers are her favorite finger food and we also got a mesh bag thing that she can suck on bananas or strawberries with.


We went to the Placentia Heritage Days parade on our bikes and Mary loved seeing all the bands walk by. We try to walk to the park everyday to play on the swings for a little while because she LOVES the swings. It is so fun. It is a nice thing to get out of the house for.


I finally made Mary a hat and she likes it but HATES to wear it. She would rather suck on it. She finally got into the phase where she doesn’t want to wear hats much. Especially ones that cover her ears. She also likes her box house. I will peek in from the handle hole on the back side and lure her into the box and then close the door. She loves to play that game. Somebody gave us a pair of sunglasses and we were surprised when she didn’t pull them off. They look pretty cool. She can now say mama, dada, and baba. She will say mama when she cries because she has gotten more attached to me and she will say dada when she wants to play with him. Sometimes I will listen to the baby monitor when she gets put down for a nap and listen to her talk away.


Zoo & Irvine Park

Each month we try to do something fun and we usually go camping but this month we decided to go to the Orange County Zoo. It is really small and only costs $2 each. Mary wasn’t very interested in the small animals like the snakes and owls but she did like the bears and big turtles. They also have a petting zoo and she liked that a lot. She loved touching the goats and looking at the furry bunnies. Afterwards we took a walk around Irvine park and saw some peacocks and took a ride on the swings. That is Mary’s most favorite thing to do. She always gets so happy.


Then Mike, Shari, and Evelyn showed up and we all had a great time at the pumpkin patch. The babies seemed to enjoy sitting on the little tractor. After we had a nice picnic with hamburgers, fruit, and chips. It was delicious! We are glad that they came and had a great outing.

