Thursday, July 23, 2009

8 Things-Brian

8 Things I Did Yesterday

1. Kissed Laura & told her I love her
2. Filmed mandarin chinese missionary training video
3. Digitized 1985 new mission president's seminar film archive
4. Ate two lunches
5. Went to chemistry lecture
6. Completed last chemistry lab
7. Ate ice-cream
8. Had family home evening with Mike and Shari

8 Things I Look Forward To
1. Coming home to Laura after work
2. Finishing our boat
3. Going to Lake Powell
4. Being done with school
5. Watching more star-trek or simpsons
7. Paycheck
8. Going on a bike ride this saturday

8 Things I Wish I Could Do
1. Shoot licorice out of my eyes
2. Eat as much as I want and not get fat
3. Fly an airplane
4. Get an A in organic chemistry
5. Weld aluminum sheet metal without burning it
6. Grow a beard at BYU
7. Water ski barefoot
8. Go on vacation for a month

8 Shows I watch
1. Simpsons
2. Merlin
3. Star-Trek Season 1
4. News
5. Dumb judge shows because that's all that is on local TV before 6pm
6. Quantum Leap
7. Heroes
8. Law and Order

Friday, July 17, 2009

8 Things-Laura

8 Things I Did Yesterday
1. Go to Math
2. Work 5 hours
3. Get milk for $0.25
4. Watch Night at the Museum
5. Work for Dad
6. Eat leftovers
7. Install Air Conditioning
8. Make Root Beer Floats

8 Things I Look Forward To
1. My birthday
2. Ward campout tonight
3. Brian feeling better
4. Finishing my math test on Tuesday
5. Getting into the Mechanical program
6. Christina & Allison coming in August
7. Finishing building the boat
8. Watching more movies with Brian

8 Things I Wish I Could Do
1. Get an A in math
2. Help Brian with chemistry
3. Spend less than $100 on groceries a month
4. Go to School, work 40 hours, and keep the house clean
5. Grow money on trees
6. Ride my bike faster
7. Have a garden
8. Teleport

8 Shows I watch (I watch maybe 3 hours of TV a week)
1. King Arthur
2. Law and Order
3. News
4. Judge Judy
5. Boring old lady craft and food shows on the BYU-create channel
6. Simpsons
7. People's Court
8. Old shows like the Brady Bunch on one of the BYU channels

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Google Homepage

You may have heard me talking about my Google Homepage and I LOVE IT. I add feeds from all these coupon sites and I also have another tab for recipe blogs too. On the main tab I have things like gmail and the weather. It is so convenient to skim over everything at once. So here's a picture of what the coupon tab looks like so maybe you'll be converted. If you have any questions you can call me and I'll explain how you can be cool and organized and efficient too.

Here is a picture of the page where you add feeds from blogs. You get here by clicking on the top right of the homepage "add stuff".

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Brian is sick with mono and will be sick with it for a month.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

4th Of July

So usually for the 4th we get up early and go eat a nice breakfast and do stuff all day. Well Brian and I did just about the opposite. We slept in and laid around being lazy all morning, it was great.
Then Brian tried to fix his hard drive and we realized we needed a sautering iron so we tried to cross University Ave when the parade was going on. It was crazy! At least we rode our bikes.

In the evening we went to Brian's aunt Marie's house in Orem and we had a BBQ and just hung out for a while. Then someone made ice-cream, it was delicious. We had pineapple, then fresh raspberry. We did have a little bit of fireworks in the driveway and Brian and I brought sparklers. It was really fun to be with family and listen to stories about Brian's family. The dinner was great and we had a wonderful time, even though we left at 11 and went to bed early.


I added a bunch of videos from our video camera to some old posts.
This one is from the Dinosaur Museum on valentine's Day
This one is from when we went camping in June