Tuesday, January 20, 2009

We’re comin’ home

Trip To California 024

Whoo! Brian and I are coming home on Friday night. we are so excited. What could be more fun, going to Emily’s wedding, seeing everyone beck home now that I’m engaged like Brittany and Anna oh yeah and Preston will still be there. And now that I know that I can probably attend Emily’s bachelorette party.  And we’re going to bring our new HD video camera to play with. We are so stoked. 


Tuesday, January 13, 2009


The other day I got a package from mom of all my Christmas presents that I left in Washington because my suitcase wasn't big enough. It was like Christmas all over again. I really like the dark brown sweater I wear it all the time and the slippers do a very good job keeping my feet warm. I was so excited when I got it. Thanks!

Friday, January 9, 2009

New Years California Trip

Here are pictures from California, we were there January 1st-4th. I've been pretty busy lately so I will get you Mexico pictures later and explain more then.