I didn't bring my camera to the football game but Jamie did so here are some pictures of me that she took. I sat with the Ward which was mostly Callie, Jamie, Alex, ummm... and a bunch of other people whose names I don't remember. It was real fun, not fake fun. But it was really hot too and I got a sunburn but it was still really fun.

What's fake fun? LOL
I am so glad it wasn't fake fun because that is not real fun at all. I don't like that kind of fun fake fun.
Well I wrote real fun and was like why did I write that it's kinda repetitive then I thought of the Real Life church where they have real people not fake people. Haha that's so funny.
LOL- those signs for the Real Life Church are so funny, I remember we always used to say that their church had REAL people so we must be fake people, that's funny.
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