So I made apple crisp today because I've had a ton of apples for over a week. I've been meaning to make it for quite some time now and I finally just did it. Emily and Neil came over to eat it and they brought Ice-cream. They enjoyed it very much. Here's some pictures of me and Emily and Neil. Neil didn't eat much though because he still felt sick. I think I still have some. Maybe I'll eat it later.

YUM! We had that the other night and we still have tons of Apples at our house because JJ brought us a whole bag after mom bought a bunch at the store.
Emily what are you doing? I thought you didn't like cooked fruit then you said it was just apples. Now you are eating apple crisp! Those apples are cooked you know. Next thing you will be eating apple pie.
Laura great job getting in some cooking with all your studying. Apple crisp is the best!
Well, I thought I would be nice and eat the stuff that Laura made. It was good at first but kind of made me sick. Not that laura did anything wrong and it was gross or anything. It just didn't settle in my stomach. So yeah I don't want to eat cooked apples again!
sorry Laura, I thought I liked it when I was eating it! :)
Emily don't you remember Laura is secretly trying to kill Mike?
We're confused (mom and I) DAD- not Mom that was dad writing again Mike's not even in these pictures- oh and Emma heard us talking about it and wanted some so we told her it was gone and she said, "Mike ate it all??" LOL
Well don't you remember that for the fried apple mike said Laura tried to feed it to me after it had been sitting out, I think she's trying to kill me.
Yeah I remember that conversation and I told mom that but she said she was confused. I just thought it was funny that Emma said that, LOL.
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