This is so funny. Here's an email I got from my chemistry TA who teaches my class TTh. He is hilarious. Made my day.
Hey friends,
I've decided to plant myself in the tutorial lab tomorrow (Monday) from 2-3 PM for the express purpose of helping all y'all with all y'all's homework assignment. It will be a veritable hootenanny of electron chemistry. Also, I'm reworking my office hours (in the sense that I'm about to actually have some), so I'll inform all y'all about those during all y'all's Tuesday recitations.
Your loving TA,
Uncle Dave
ps Lest you think in your hearts, "My, how ill-prepared we are for doing this homework!", I have it on good authority that everyone else is in the same boat. See? Not my fault.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Lost & Found Sale

BYU Sweatshirt $4
Tiny Hymn book $1
Ping Pong Paddle $1
Tennis Ball $0.50
Basketball $4
Frisbee $1
BYU Beanie $0.50

Monday, September 22, 2008
Foil Dinners

So I made the foil dinners that Beth said was really good. They were so good! Everyone in my dinner group loved them. I forgot to take any pictures until most of the people left. In this picture is my roommate Sara and Kate from #2 who is really nice. It was a fun dinner. Thanks for the idea Beth!

The Great Gatsby Party

I went to a great Gatsby party the other day. Everyone dressed up. it was fun. I wasn't that dressed up.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
BYU vs. Wyoming

Here's some pictures from the football game today. We won with 44-0. I sat by Jamie again. It was a really fun game. Jamie also has 2 pictures of me on facebook if you want to see those.

Friday, September 19, 2008
Fan Base

I made this piece of my fan today. It is the base that the other pieces go into. It was definitely the hardest part to make yet but it wasn't that bad. It was actually fun after I figured it out. So I just wanted to show it to you so you can go "oohh, aahh"
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
So I have to watch this video thing online for my chemistry class and this part is so funny I just had to take a picture of it for you. The guy in the window is actually my teacher and he's great but sometimes funny things pop up n the big screen like he uses lego analogies a lot and once he was on the big screen rubbing his hair with a balloon while he was still talking in the window. It's hilarious!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Food Fight

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I didn't bring my camera to the football game but Jamie did so here are some pictures of me that she took. I sat with the Ward which was mostly Callie, Jamie, Alex, ummm... and a bunch of other people whose names I don't remember. It was real fun, not fake fun. But it was really hot too and I got a sunburn but it was still really fun.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Friday, September 12, 2008
So I've been trying to install this CAD program for my graphics class and I started it 7am yesterday and at 2:00 today it "finished" but then everything went wrong and somehow it got messed up. IT TOOK SO LONG!! Gah. So I restarted downloading it today at 2:30 from the BYU library because the internet is much faster. So guess what percent is done now?
40% in only 45 minutes. I have had enough of this program and just want it to work. I need it to do an assignment due on saturday at noon so I hope it goes fast.
So now I am just sitting in the library waiting for it to complete and coincidentally I didn't bring anything to do. So i'll probably be here for another hour or so just surfing the internet waiting for it to finish. Oh and yeah when I was downloading it earlier it made my internet soooo slow that I haven't done much lately. It is much better here at the library.
So I've been trying to install this CAD program for my graphics class and I started it 7am yesterday and at 2:00 today it "finished" but then everything went wrong and somehow it got messed up. IT TOOK SO LONG!! Gah. So I restarted downloading it today at 2:30 from the BYU library because the internet is much faster. So guess what percent is done now?
40% in only 45 minutes. I have had enough of this program and just want it to work. I need it to do an assignment due on saturday at noon so I hope it goes fast.
So now I am just sitting in the library waiting for it to complete and coincidentally I didn't bring anything to do. So i'll probably be here for another hour or so just surfing the internet waiting for it to finish. Oh and yeah when I was downloading it earlier it made my internet soooo slow that I haven't done much lately. It is much better here at the library.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Apple Crisp
So I made apple crisp today because I've had a ton of apples for over a week. I've been meaning to make it for quite some time now and I finally just did it. Emily and Neil came over to eat it and they brought Ice-cream. They enjoyed it very much. Here's some pictures of me and Emily and Neil. Neil didn't eat much though because he still felt sick. I think I still have some. Maybe I'll eat it later.

Friday, September 5, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
The Terrace #1

2nd Day of School
So today was the second day of school and class started at 8:00. I only had Chemistry and Book Of Mormon. So since then I've been home alone for a long time. I had spaghettios for lunch and did some homework even though I didn't really have some. I haven't been eating my apples and I figured I'd better do something with them so I wanted to make apple crisp but I ended up making fried apple slices. They are alright but they taste very much fried. I am still trying to get in a dinner group so I'm thinking of people to ask about that. Oh and I got a BYU hat today. I like it a lot. It's cool. So that's it for today.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
First Day of School
Today was a good first day of school. I woke up at 7:00 and went to Mechanical Engineering Graphics at 8:30. It's not exactly what I expected, it's more 3-D stuff and making things like a fan or whatever. I think I'm really gonna like that class. Then I went to chemistry which was weird because we didn't really do anything. I went home for lunch and then went back for Mechanical Engineering Statics which seems pretty hard but I think I'll catch on real quick. I got home at 2:00 and then worked on homework for a few hours before anyone got back then we just went to the grocery store to get a few more food items. Now I am here eating bbq chicken on a english muffin. I can't wait to get in a dinner group. I really want to be in one but all my roommates either work late or don't want to. I need to figure out one to get in soon. Oh the Texas party last night was great! They had brisket and baked potatoes and we made brownies and frosted them like the state of texas. The food was so good and I had a great time. I still need to take pictures and I will soon.
Monday, September 1, 2008
First week at BYU
WHOO!! My Internet works now. It has been frustrating the last few days. I am having so much fun here in Provo. I moved in on Thursday after I took a tour of campus and I was the only one in my apartment. Over the next few days we went shopping with my family mostly. I also bought my books at the bookstore and got some other school supplies. On Friday we went to the Woman's volleyball game aganist Utah which was way fun, we won by the way. Then we went out to ics-cream with Mike & Shari, Spencer & Whitney, and the rest of my family. The place used liquid nitrogen to make the ice-cream. It was cool and the ice-cream was good. On saturday we went to the BYU football game aganist Northern Iowa. We painted our faces and dressed up. It was so fun but really hot. See Emily's blog for football pictures. BYU won the game but Emily and I left after the third quarter because it was so hot and they were winning by so much. Later that night my first roommate came and her name is Sara Dunbabin. She is really nice and I like her already. She knows Chelsey Clay who lives across the hall and practally lives here. They are so fun. On sunday my family took pictures by the BYU entrance sign in our church clothes. Then my family left and I went to 3 hour church at 1:30 and it was fast sunday. Everyone at church was amazing because they all wanted to meet each other. I made a lot of friends and forgot like half of everyone's names. Later we had ward prayer, that was fun because I could talk to the people that I just met. I had to give the spiritual thought and I was nervous but after I did it everyone liked me. My roommates and I went to some Boys' apartment to play games, they only had one game so we played fact or crap. It was great. Oh and all those boys are from Texas, I don't know if they planned it that way or not. There's like 2 Mikes and an Alex. Then today Mike & Shari took me on a tour to find my classes and it started pouring down rain when we had 5 blocks left to walk with no coats. I got soaked. Then we went to some stores to buy some more stuff. And tonight my friends and I are going to a Texas party with Briscut, baked potatoes, and other Texas food. We're also going to watch a movie on their big screen TV. It's going to be fun and now I gotta go. I will say more later and put some pictures on so you guys can see them.
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