Thursday I woke up after a nice night of sleep disappointed again that things had not progressed enough to keep me awake. I got up and took a shower because I was bored lying in bed. I ate some cereal and a lot of orange juice because the last time we went to the hospital they said I was dehydrated. Brian was still in bed so I layed back down to be with him for a while. I was feeling a little tummy sick and thought maybe it was from drinking too much oj. Not many minutes later I felt a ton of liquid shooting out while I was laying down and told Brian that my water broke. That was about 7:45am. I ran to the shower to let it drain out a bit before we got in the car and that is when I noticed that it was very bloody.
We got to the hospital and I was hooked up to the fetal monitor in their evaluation room where they decide whether to keep you or not. After testing the fluid they knew it was amniotic fluid and then took me to a delivery room. We sat there for a while waiting for the doctor to come. The nurse was noticing that the baby's heart rate was dropping a lot every time I had a contraction and that was not good. The doctor got there and decided to order an ultrasound. The ultrasound did not show any reason for the baby's heart rate to be dropping. It was at that point that the doctor decided that I needed a c-section.
From the time the doctor decided to do the c-section to when the baby was born was so fast. It seemed like there were so many people doing different things to all of my body parts and I had no idea what was going on. It wasn't until they put the curtain in front of my face that I asked where Brian was because I was getting worried that he was not there. I think they forgot to go get him. Mary was born at 12:34pm and a few minutes later the nurse let me see her as she held her to my face. I was so happy. She weighed 6lbs 14oz and was 18 1/2" long.
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