Not much has been happening lately. I have found it harder to get from laying down to sitting up and whenever I walk it feels like I have already been walking all day. I have also been really hot at night but the weather has been getting warmer too. Brian isn't burning hot so I think it is probably just me. So now I am just waiting around and trying to find things that I can still do. It seems like I always want to be moving heavy things around but I can't like I used to.
Oh, and we moved the crib into the bathroom/laundry room so we wouldn't have to leave our room when she is taking naps. So she will be sleeping next to the washing machine.
You look great Laura! Your baby could come any day! It's hard to find things to do to pass the time. I'm due Saturday and feel the same way. Hang in there...she'll come in no time. :)
Hey that's a good idea! Most babies love some sort of white noise, so she'll love sleeping by the washing machine :)
One more month! (hehe, I'm sticking by my guess of April 12th)
No you still have time today my first labor was only 6 hours and it is only 2pm
Hannah wants to know if your baby is out of your stomach. :) I bet you're getting bored- I'll ship some of my kids to you to keep you occupied. I've found the worst part lately to be wanting to lay down on the couch because my back or side hurt but then I have a really hard time getting up and if you're still sleeping well at night then you're doing better than me. I wake up every few hours to go the bathroom.
Nope, baby is still inside. I am not sleeping as well but it is not that bad. I wake up a lot but never get out of bed, just try to roll over and find a more comfortable position.
Hope she comes early for you! It's funny how I think that I get better sleep when I actually have the baby at home rather than having the baby inside of me.
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