Our ward had a Halloween potluck and trunk-or-treat on Saturday so Brian and I decided to make Jello Worms to bring. They were so fun to make and not very many people ate them probably because they were just not sure what it was. It was fun for the kids though, Romney and Averie thought it was cool to eat worms. Ben helped us eat the Jello scraps from the mold.
For the recipe go here. It was basically make Jello and then pour it into a half gallon milk carton with a lot of straws inside. The bendy ones make them look more real. Then when it is hard you separate the straws and push out the Jello. In a bowl they looked pretty gross.

Yes that does look pretty gross, but I bet the kids loved it! I know Hannah would think it was cool- she brought a real worm in the house the other day and wanted to put it in her bedroom.
Haha that is awesome!
that is so awesome!!
That is really neat, but gross too! What a great idea!
I wanna eat some worms.
You guys are so awesome! I wish I could've watched people as they passed by the "worms" at the pot luck! (:
I mean this in only the best way but those are really gross!
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