Brian and I are going Scuba Diving at Disney World. We get to go in the living seas pavilion at Epcot. It is a 5.7 million gallon saltwater tank with 6,000 sea creatures including turtles, fish, and sharks. It is 40 minute dive where we can swim around and check out all the fish and stuff. The tank is next to the Coral Reef Restaurant so we can see into the restaurant through a glass window. Disney provides all the equipment so we just go there and get a t-shirt too.It is going to be so fun. We are going Thursday at 5:30.
Will they kick you out if you pee in the tank??? Just make sure it's not yellow. So can we watch through the glass? Do you need to bring any of your equipment? Dad
That is so awesome!!!!!! We will totally come and eat at the restaurant i mean...watch you! :)
That is so cool!
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