Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanksgiving & Catalina
On Monday we took a 1 hour boat ride to Catalina Island to go Scuba diving. We got there and dropped off our stuff at the hotel. Then we found some food to eat then off to Scuba diving. There is a dive park on the island that is protected from boats or fishing so there is a lot of fish and it was really cool to see something like that for the first time. I have only been diving in Utah's lakes. Here are a few pictures we got from the 4 times we went diving over the two days we were there. I just realized that these pictures of us have no fish in them, we saw tons I promise!
So we stayed at Catalina for 2 days because we found this good deal online that was $80 per person for the round trip boat ride, taxi to and from the hotel, hotel room for 1 night, and a tour of some sort. It was a really good deal because the boat is usually $60 by itself

So in the end we had a really fun time and Scuba diving was like nothing I have ever experienced before.
We stayed at Rees' house Wednesday to Saturday and Thanksgiving was fun, there were 12 adults and 12 kids so it was not formal at all, we had paper plates and just randomly ate anywhere we could find a seat. It was great.
We went to the $2 zoo on Friday with the family and that was fun. Brian and I also went to Target Friday morning to buy a Christmas present for Brett & Becky. It wasn't very busy at 9am and we ended up getting something that wasn't even on sale. Oh well.
Saturday we drove home and at about 6pm we ran into some snow in Cedar City. We tried driving through it for about an hour or so then decided to stop in Parowan for the night and were lucky we got a room at the only hotel in town that filled up fast. We got a pizza and watched Lost on Netflix online. It was fun but then we didn't get home until Sunday afternoon, at least Brian got out of giving a lesson at church.
So our trip to California was very fun, I liked the Scuba diving a lot and just not having to do school for a while. It was great.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Disney World
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Disney World Scuba Diving

Brian and I are going Scuba Diving at Disney World. We get to go in the living seas pavilion at Epcot. It is a 5.7 million gallon saltwater tank with 6,000 sea creatures including turtles, fish, and sharks. It is 40 minute dive where we can swim around and check out all the fish and stuff. The tank is next to the Coral Reef Restaurant so we can see into the restaurant through a glass window. Disney provides all the equipment so we just go there and get a t-shirt too.It is going to be so fun. We are going Thursday at 5:30.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
On Saturday Brian made homemade root beer in this big water jug. We bought a bag of candy and started watching The Village when Mike and Audra came over so we started it over again and watched it with them. No trick-or-treeters came to our door looking for candy so now we still have half a bag of candy (reeses, kit-kat, whoopers, crunch...) left that we don't need to be eating all the time. It was a fun Halloween and we didn't do much but in the end I got sick from eating too much candy.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Homecoming Parade
Friday, October 16, 2009
We bought Little Big Planet for PS3 and play it
Watching Star Trek and other Blockbuster mail free trial movies
Making dinner
I was sick one day but I didn't throw up and was better by the end of the day
Sleeping in on Saturdays
Cleaning on Saturdays
Having lunch with Anna 1 to 2 times a week
Church is now at 1:30 instead of 10:00
Making a Scuba Diving guide for Utah, places to go, things to see... for English
Planning my class schedule
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Labor Day Weekend

On Saturday night and Sunday we went to Vegas to visit Seth and Jenny. It was nice to see them and talk and play games. It was also fun playing with their little boy Ben. We had lots of good times.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Scuba Diving: Fish Lake

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Lake Powell

Thursday, July 23, 2009
8 Things-Brian
8 Things I Did Yesterday
1. Kissed Laura & told her I love her2. Filmed mandarin chinese missionary training video
3. Digitized 1985 new mission president's seminar film archive
4. Ate two lunches
5. Went to chemistry lecture
6. Completed last chemistry lab
7. Ate ice-cream
8. Had family home evening with Mike and Shari
8 Things I Look Forward To
1. Coming home to Laura after work
2. Finishing our boat
3. Going to Lake Powell
4. Being done with school
5. Watching more star-trek or simpsons
7. Paycheck
8. Going on a bike ride this saturday
8 Things I Wish I Could Do
1. Shoot licorice out of my eyes
2. Eat as much as I want and not get fat
3. Fly an airplane
4. Get an A in organic chemistry
5. Weld aluminum sheet metal without burning it
6. Grow a beard at BYU
7. Water ski barefoot
8. Go on vacation for a month
8 Shows I watch
1. Simpsons
2. Merlin
3. Star-Trek Season 1
4. News
5. Dumb judge shows because that's all that is on local TV before 6pm
6. Quantum Leap
7. Heroes
8. Law and Order
Friday, July 17, 2009
8 Things-Laura
1. Go to Math
2. Work 5 hours
3. Get milk for $0.25
4. Watch Night at the Museum
5. Work for Dad
6. Eat leftovers
7. Install Air Conditioning
8. Make Root Beer Floats
8 Things I Look Forward To
1. My birthday
2. Ward campout tonight
3. Brian feeling better
4. Finishing my math test on Tuesday
5. Getting into the Mechanical program
6. Christina & Allison coming in August
7. Finishing building the boat
8. Watching more movies with Brian
8 Things I Wish I Could Do
1. Get an A in math
2. Help Brian with chemistry
3. Spend less than $100 on groceries a month
4. Go to School, work 40 hours, and keep the house clean
5. Grow money on trees
6. Ride my bike faster
7. Have a garden
8. Teleport
8 Shows I watch (I watch maybe 3 hours of TV a week)
1. King Arthur
2. Law and Order
3. News
4. Judge Judy
5. Boring old lady craft and food shows on the BYU-create channel
6. Simpsons
7. People's Court
8. Old shows like the Brady Bunch on one of the BYU channels
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Google Homepage
Here is a picture of the page where you add feeds from blogs. You get here by clicking on the top right of the homepage "add stuff".
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
4th Of July
Then Brian tried to fix his hard drive and we realized we needed a sautering iron so we tried to cross University Ave when the parade was going on. It was crazy! At least we rode our bikes.

In the evening we went to Brian's aunt Marie's house in Orem and we had a BBQ and just hung out for a while. Then someone made ice-cream, it was delicious. We had pineapple, then fresh raspberry. We did have a little bit of fireworks in the driveway and Brian and I brought sparklers. It was really fun to be with family and listen to stories about Brian's family. The dinner was great and we had a wonderful time, even though we left at 11 and went to bed early.
Monday, June 22, 2009
1st Day of School
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Sewing Machine
I got a sewing machine! We were at DI looking for a small table for the corner of our living room and we found this sewing machine table. It is perfect. It serves as a nice table and now I can do a little bit of sewing with it too. I mean it’s not the best sewing machine but it works and it makes a straight line. I am excited to use it sometime. I need to think of something to sew. It is also nice to have for fixing things too. I am just very excited.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Brian got this tapestry of Jesus with the Nephites made on his mission in Peru and we got it framed. It looks so beautiful and hangs straight. The frame has a sort of old crackly look to it so it matches very well. We hung it up in our bedroom because it was the only wall that it would fit on because it is so big. We love it so much!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Scuba Diving
We are taking a scuba diving class through Water World by the dollar theatre. We go to the class Monday and Thursday to learn for 2 hours then go to the Provo High School Pool to try it out for another 2 hours. It lasts for 3 weeks and we’ve been to the pool 3 times. This week we get to go to the crater in Midway 2 times to go deeper and get certified.
We really enjoy it a lot and can’t wait to go next week. Here are a few pictures in the pool that we took with our video camera.
Brian was very excited to take video and pictures while we were underwater.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
We went camping last weekend. We went to a campground in the alpine loop on the American Fork side. It was just dirt and they had rocks set up for a fire pit. It was really fun, we went up Friday evening and set up camp and made Hawaiian haystacks. They were really good. We also played dominoes and ate plenty of s’mores. We then woke up early and made pancakes, eggs, and bacon for breakfast, it was delicious.
We hiked up to Timponogos cave and went on the caving tour where we had to wear helmets with lights and do a little crawling. We enjoyed it a lot and it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. We had a very fun weekend.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
New Bike
I got a new bike. I really like it. It is a Trek FX 7.2 WSD and it’s blue. I got baskets put on the back that fold in and hold our groceries when we go shopping. Last week Brian and I went to Buy Low and got some apples. Brian forgot to tie the bag closed so an apple fell out while he was riding and go stuck in the spoke of his wheel and was spinning around with the wheel. He finally noticed it when he felt cold juice on his leg. I also got a light for the front and back so we can ride in the dark. Brian and I love riding everywhere with our bikes now instead of driving and it saves a lot of gas too. I love my bike!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
The Cruise
So as promised here are the pictures from our cruise.
San Francisco: Golden Gate Bridge at breakfast
Alcatraz audio tour
Victoria Canada: Butterfly and Butchart gardens
Seattle: we got off and picked up my dress from Emily (no pictures sorry) Oh and I got a bag of much needed popcorn for free because I didn't have $0.50, only a $10
Formal Night:
Ice Skating: We went Ice Skating 2 times in their ice rink, it was really fun and Brian didn't fall down for the first time. Way to go Brian!They also had and Ice show, it was like a circus but on ice with crazy dancers that could do cool tricks and spins.
Pool/Hot Tub: They had 2 pools but nobody was crazy enough to go in them but we did spend some time in the hot tubs with soft serve Ice cream. It was great.
Shuffleboard: They did have shuffleboard and we played for about an hour. On my last cruise I went on when I was little they had shuffleboard and I never played so I really wanted to this time.
Movies: They had a small theater where we went a few times to watch some movies, it was fun. Although most of the time the movies were on our TV in our room so we just watched them in there because we were too lazy.
Food: the food was so good! We liked the 24 hour buffet and the free room service on demand. The dining room had the best food and we enjoyed breakfast and lunch there but we had 8:30 dinner so half the time we didn't go because it was so late.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Bike Ride
Monday, May 25, 2009
We're Still Not Dead
Brian got a new bike so he can ride to work and if we both ride we can save $500 a year in gas so it will pay for itself in a little over a year.
We took a bike ride to Olive Garden because we had a gift card. I realized that I want a new bike too because mine is so crappy and the left gear shifters don't work so I am stuck on the lowest gear so I can only go half as fast as Brian can. I figured it would be nice to be able to go the same speed when we go bike riding. So now that we both have bikes we are going to go riding more often instead of things that cost money. It's gonna be so fun!
We went to our new ward last Sunday. We are going to go to the married student ward. Everyone is so nice there and there are a handful of people that we already know. I am excited to make friends.
So once I get my internet fixed I will post pictures and stuff from the cruise and of our apartment and other exciting things that we do.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
We're Back
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Then the other day this guy I work with wanted to show me how to do As-builts and go look around at buildings at BYU. So we went up the SWKT and saw Mike working there, I forgot he worked there.We even have a service car we can drive around campus. We went in there and checked where all the ceiling diffusers, fire sprinklers, and ductwork was. I got to climb up on a ladder and look in the ceiling. It was way fun to actually do some work and get out of the office. The next day we got to draw up what we found on CAD. They actually use the same eexact CAD as I have, just 2009 model. I watched the guy draw it and even gave him some advice on how to do things more efficiently. I am so excited when I finish up on my huge project of catching up on all the Capital Needs Analysis before I can do the fun CAD stuff. This job is great and hopefully on friday I will know how much I get paid.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
I finally found a dress for the wedding. I really like it. It’s red. Here’s a picture of it. I got these white shoes too.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
New Job
Sunday, April 5, 2009
26 Days!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
It’s EASTER!…actually is not. Well it feels like Easter because Kim sent me a package that had all this Easter stuff like Easter socks, candy, pencils, a picture from Shannon ( I am confused as to why it is from Shannon), a pad of paper, and Peeps chap stick. I was very excited when I found out that I had a package. It was really exciting, thanks Kim!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Rock Climbing
Thursday, March 19, 2009
I finally won one of Beth’s Disney World picture texting guessing games. I was so excited because every time I know the answer someone else like Mike wins because I can’t type as fast. But today I learned that Mom and Dad were at the temple and Mike was probably off doing something else too. But I am still excited that I won at least 1 because other people have so many wins.
Friday, March 13, 2009
My Have I Grown
I was just looking at these two pictures and thought to myself. Wow I have grown a lot since then and look a lot different. My life has also changed a lot since then. Back then I had Anna, now I have Brian. But it is still just as much fun. So yeah, that’s what goes on in my mind from day to day. Just letting you see into my head for a little bit.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Brian’s Birthday
So I finally got these pictures up here. These are from when we ate cake and sang to Brian for his birthday, but we didn’t do it on his birthday because he was sick. He wanted cherry chip cake with funfetti frosting. I thought it would be weird but it was good. We made him blow out his own piece so he wouldn’t get sickness on the whole cake. Happy Birthday Brian!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Happy Birthday!
Today is Brian’s Birthday hooray! But he is really sick, probably the same thing that everyone at home has. It’s really sad because he had a Physics test yesterday, a religion test today, and lots of homework to get done. Being sick and in school is not fun. He almost threw up during the physics test and we were going to go to Tucanos tonight but we’re going to go another time. There’s just not much I can do for him.
I tried to help with his homework but my alarm didn’t go off and I woke up late. He is just really stressed and depressed right now because he has so much to do and tries really hard to get good grades but after all he can do, it just doesn’t seem like enough. I can’t make him better but I can make him feel better by being there with him and I hope that will do some good. I hope the cake I’m making will cheer him up.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
The last day to apply for financial aid. Hooray!
Work, Swimming, & Tests
Hey I just wanted everyone to know I am still alive. Well actually this could be my kidnapper blogging so nobody gets suspicious. Anyways I don’t have much to say because all I do is school basically. But I have been working lately for Dad. It has been fun and I get paid for it too. I really like it when I finish or find some cool new way to make it better and then I just look at it and I’m so proud of myself because it’s just so cool.
Oh Brian and I went swimming yesterday. It was fun because we have been needing to go lately so Brian won’t get fat but every time we plan to go I don’t want to. So we finally went. It was great, we did Crawl stroke and Breast stroke mostly and even a little back stroke and some kick. We saw Jamie there lifeguarding. It was like a little adventure, kind of like a water park.
Oh here’s a funny story. Yesterday Brian and I were in Civil Engineering 203: Mechanics of Materials and the teacher was giving a test review. So we thought, when is the test? So we looked at the schedule and it said Feb. 18-19 then we were wondering what was the date. Then Brian was like THAT’S TODAY! So he studied for about an hour, took the test that day and probably got 100%…I took it today and did very well too. So much for keeping up to date on our schedules.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Valentine’s Day
Today was valentine’s day.
I made Brian a card that had a bunch of compliments on it and stuff. He really liked it because I made it and I was excited. He gave me bags of conversation hearts because that is my favorite valentine’s candy, they are so good. I remember when mom got a whole bunch last year for the missionaries but ended up keeping them so I ate all the boxes over the period of a month or so. They are so good.
Brian just had stuff planned and I didn’t even know when he was going to come over. We went to the dinosaur museum at Thanksgiving Point which was so fun. We watched a 3-D dinosaur movie and saw all kinds of old bones. We did bring our video camera and took video and some pictures too.
Then we ate lunch/dinner at TGI Friday’s because we’ve never been there before. It was really good, and a good price, and it wasn’t crowded. We got really stuffed though, it was a lot of food.
Then we went to someone in Brian’s ward’s wedding reception at an art museum in Springville. It was really nice. They had good food too.
Then we came back and made a cookie pie with ice-cream on top and watched Sneakers. The cookie was really good and I realized that I HAD seen that movie before. It was delicious and fun.
So basically we just spent the whole day together mostly like normal but we actually had ideas of stuff to do. It was really fun and I enjoyed it.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
On Friday night Brian and I went to the Draper temple open house. It was so cool that we got so see the inside of the temple and I really liked the new smell. It was a really cool experience.
On Saturday morning Brian and I went to the Provo temple with my ward to do baptisms. We brought our own names, 4 girls and 3 boys. It was really crowded but if you bring your own names you get to cut in line before everybody else. It was cool to see the family history done from beginning to end. We had a fun weekend.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
We’re comin’ home
Whoo! Brian and I are coming home on Friday night. we are so excited. What could be more fun, going to Emily’s wedding, seeing everyone beck home now that I’m engaged like Brittany and Anna oh yeah and Preston will still be there. And now that I know that I can probably attend Emily’s bachelorette party. And we’re going to bring our new HD video camera to play with. We are so stoked.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Friday, January 9, 2009
New Years California Trip