So many of you have been speculating and wondering about what I've been doing lately. So today I went on a hike with Brian to I think squaw peak. It was a pretty long hike and we kinda got lost and walked through forest for a few hours but it was really fun. It was pretty challenging though but I enjoyed it. Here's a picture of Brian and I. For those of you who want to know, here are some facts about Brian: he's doing Mechanical Engineering, he's in 3 of my classes, he served a mission in Peru, he's in the BYU marching band, he likes scuba diving and camping.
haha, Bob and I tried to hike squaw peak one time and we got lost in the forest for a few hours- ended up taking a "shortcut" that had us finding our own path through thick brush down the side of the hill...
Brian seems pretty cool! My roommate Kristine played clarinet in the marching band.
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