On Saturday Brian and I were out of the house for the morning and when we got back we found the clothes washer hose for the cold water came disconnected and started flooding our kitchen! With some quick thinking I turned off the valve at the washer box and we started sweeping the water out the back door. It was mostly in the Kitchen which is tile so not that bad but some got into the living room carpet about 5' from the kitchen. Luckily it did not get to any electronics or really anything at all. We have been using all our towels to suck up the water from the carpet and having our 2 fans going nonstop since then but the carpet is still pretty soaked, we have to throw the towels in the dryer every time we use them to soak up the water so we can get some more out of the carpet. Our manager is coming to fix the hose on Monday and hopefully he can bring some more fans so it will dry before it starts to mildew. Well at least none of our stuff got wet. It was just crazy when we opened the door to find a few inches of water.