This weekend we hiked the Grove Creek trail that starts in Pleasant Grove. It was about 3.5 miles one way and 2 miles were the side of the cliff like in the one picture. The trail was pretty skinny and some places had rocks up and down the side of the cliff that looked like they had slid. There is a bench to sit at about mile 3 that looks at a waterfall. The trail follows the Grove Creek almost the whole way. After that there is a bridge that crosses the creek and the scenery becomes more forest. There is a really nice place to camp called Indian Springs where the Grove Creek spring is. We got there at about 8pm and still had about an hour of daylight left. It was a really nice meadow to set up a tent in. We ate tortilla soup and it was so good. The next morning we had bacon and hot chocolate and it didn't take very long to hike down. Having walking poles was very nice on that cliff because they helped us balance and not fall. One of my favorite things about this hike was that it was free and not very far to drive to. It was very fun and we both enjoyed it. Here is a link to a page about the trail.
Brian and I took a trip down to New Mexico to go boating with Brian's brother Jared and his two sons Andrew (9) and Brayden (6). We went to Navajo lake which is kinda like Lake Powell but smaller, I like that it has a lot of little fingers so you can camp on the beach but be away from the main body of water. We camped on the beach and went tubing and water-skiing on Friday. We also did some fishing and Brian caught what we think is 2 Small mouth Bass. I also caught one. We ate one of Brian's and it was so good! I wanted to keep the others to eat but it was too much work to clean them so we threw them back. It was very fun.
On the Thursday Brian and I went to the Aztec ruins (actually inhabited by the Pueblo people). They were really cool. It was a city that was basically 1 building with a lot of rooms like houses.