Last weekend we drove down to Vegas and stayed with Brian's brother's family (Seth & Jenny) so Brian could take the MCAT. We drove Thursday and brought our boat which we dropped off in Hurricane with Brian's Mom's cousin (Buffalo) and then continued on to Vegas to spend the night with Seth and Jenny. Brian took the MCAT Friday morning and he thinks he did pretty well, he is very confident about most of it except the biology part. The practice tests he has been taking he got a 8, 10, and 9 on the three sections. Most mid or low level schools accept all 8's as average scores. So hopefully he did well.
Then Friday afternoon we drove back to Hurricane to grab our boat and go to Sand Hollow (10 minutes away from Hurricane). Before we left we found out that the Scuba Diving club in Springville was going down there that weekend so we brought all our gear and our boat too. We got there Friday night and just camped on the beach but it was very windy so it was like a sandstorm. We ended up sleeping on the floor of the boat so the sand would not get in our faces, it was very nice to have a bit of a breeze too.
Saturday morning we headed out on the boat because it was supposed to be less windy in the morning. We went water skiing and rode the tube a bit also. We tried to go diving but we started descending on our boat's anchor line to go look at the anchor and we could not see a thing. The wind had mixed up all the sand on the bottom that I could not even see Brian 2 feet away. So we didn't end up diving much, just 2 times for about 5 minutes each.
At 2pm on Saturday the Scuba club had a steak and baked potato BBQ which was really good. The potatoes were huge! We got to talk to everyone and nobody did much diving because there was nothing to see and it was easy to get lost.
We played around on the boat for a while and then we drove to Walmart and bought some fishing poles and tried our luck at fishing. We didn't catch anything but we did successfully figure out how to work the poles and put them all together. We did use worms and I didn't want to poke them with the hook but Brian made me. It was so weird because they would get all tense and wiggle too much. Anyways, we had a good time fishing and just relaxing on our boat.
We went to drive home Saturday night and were going to get a hotel somewhere around Parowan but we blew a tire on the trailer right before we got onto the freeway. The tire was ripped to shreds and luckly we were about a mile from Walmart so we just drove very slow about 1 mph to walmart but by then it was 7:30 and their tire service closes at 7pm so we stayed the night at Buffalo's house and went back to Walmart in the morning to get 4 new tires on the trailer because they were so old. Probably from like 1990 or something.
We drove back to Provo Sunday safely and then woke up Monday to find snow. It was a crazy weekend. We both got a bit of a sunburn but it is not that bad. Our skin is just so dry and needs lots of lotion.